Once you have created a lead generation piece, landing pages for your website and you have ready-made communication in place it’s time to get people to your website. This can be done in many different ways, Google AdWords, LinkedIn, Facebook Ads, snail mail, blogs, magazine ads, newspaper ads, trade shows, banner ads and so many others that are too numerous to go into in this module.
So the question is, where do you start?
If you are going fishing and you ask any professional fisherman, where is the best spot to go fishing? You know what there answer will be? Where the fish are.
If you are going to go fishing you need to fish where the fish are.
Not just where the fish are but you are fishing for a specific type of fish so you need to fish where that type of fish is congregating. There are many places where the prospects you are looking for are congregating. The key is using the least expensive method to reach them in the beginning and as your revenue increases you will use some of that revenue to use additional methods to reach them. So naturally I want you to start in the sea where I believe the most fish are at this time and that sea is LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a great place to get targeted leads because LinkedIn is a business platform. You don’t have videos of cats, dogs and you don’t have the level of politics on the time wasting platform known as Facebook.
John Nemo, in his phenomenal course called LinkedIn Riches, goes really in depth into how to use LinkedIn as the primary source of leads and build a business that generates massive amounts of leads and profitability from one main platform. I don’t necessarily disagree but I like to use multiple platforms to generate leads and suffice it to say you need 2 good ones in my opinion to have great success.
The reason LinkedIn is so huge is not just because it is a business only platform, it’s because of its statistics.
LinkedIn has over 500 million users, over 100 million who log on every day, over 125 million of the users are in the US and the have 2 new members sign up every second of every day. The best part is, most people have ZERO idea how to set up their profile to generate leads. So I figured I would show you how.
When you look at 95% of all peoples profiles on LinkedIn, their profile looks like a job resume. I worked at ABC Contracting from 2000 to 2010, I am owner/president of XYZ Contracting since 2010 etc. They tell you all about themselves, which is ideal when you are seeking prospects but is not so good for clients to seek you.
Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, teaches his clients to make marketing materials and advertising that are client facing. Stop talking about yourself and find out what your prospects want, what they need and then provide the solution. Your LinkedIn profile should tell the world what you do, why you do it, who it helps, how it helps them and why they should hire you. Go look at my LinkedIn Profile.
You can see my profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/DavidMulvaney/
My LinkedIn profile name is my name, DavidMulvaney. I recommend you edit your LinkedIn profile link to be your own name if possible. Make sure you have a good looking professional picture of you in your profile.
My profile tells people what I can do to help them. This is important because you want people who look at your profile to know what you can do for them and you don’t want them to have to guess if you can do something for them.
The next thing is using LinkedIn to target your ideal clients. I like to use Boolean Searches because it allows you to pick exactly what type of prospect you want to target.
Here’s how to do a Boolean search on LinkedIn. Let’s say your target clients are industrial clients. Again, that is too vague so you start to clarify companies in packaging, plastics manufacturing, pipe manufacturing, ink production, auto part manufacturing etc. Now you open LinkedIn search and you do an advanced search for people. You click in the search box and put “manufacturing” and “president” and hit enter. You will see that will give you over 500,000 returns. Way too broad. If you put the word pipe in front of manufacturing like this “pipe manufacturing” and “president” it will return a few hundred, much better. You can also add your city name to narrow the search even more which might be preferred if you only sell and service in your city. Now you do this in a few categories and you will have a nice growing list of new prospects. You will note, LinkedIn tries to connect you with people that are relevant to you. So when you start out you won’t get back as many returns because you don’t have many connections. LinkedIn likes you to be at least somehow connected to the people it recommends to you. Meaning, you know John and John knows Steve. LinkedIn will allow you to request a connection with Steve because you know John. If not, it’s not going to allow you to unless you pay for their premium services which I have their premium service which is $39 per month as of this writing. They have other plans that are far more expensive but Premium is worth the forty bucks.
But, before you go and start contacting people you should craft a message. If you just click “connect” they will get a canned message stating “Hi David, I’d like to join your LinkedIn network.” You do not want to send this message you want to add your own. Here’s one I use, you might have received this from me.
Hi (insert their first name here)
I work with business owners, mainly contractors, who want to increase profits massively, who wouldn’t? I prove it every day. We should talk. Let’s connect and have a conversation about it. The easiest number to reach me is 904-xxx-xxxx
David Mulvaney
A few things happened here. I told them why I’m contacting them, I work with people like them, I help them with profitability and I gave them something that most people have a taboo about giving out, my cell phone number. It’s a message only they see but this message brings about a 40% accept ratio, which is extremely strong.
You might try something like this. You will have to adjust this message to meet your own needs but you will send this to all the possible connections that popped up under “pipe manufacturers” or whatever search you use for your target market.
Hi (name)
I work with pipe manufacturers on efficient electrical usage which typically costs nothing out of pocket to implement. I saw that’s your line of work, lets connect.
(Your name here)
Now when they receive this message they will go to your profile and see who you are and your profile now tells them what you can do for them provided you did what I told you to do with your profile. You should have a very high percentage of people who connect with you. Remember you need to set up your profile first, it’s easy just do it.
Now you have everything you need to get your first 100 prospects and if you can get a 100 you can get a 10,000. Now it’s up to you.
If you would like to know how to your business into a money making machine schedule a 15 minute call with me by clicking here.
I look forward to hearing your story
To your lifelong prosperity,
David Mulvaney