I didn’t go to college other than a few frat parties.
I wanted my children to have a choice about college, so when my son David was 2 years old, I put $65.79 per month into the Florida Prepaid College Fund and paid it for 16 years.
When my daughter Rachel was born a few years later, I started her prepaid account and paid $85.23 a month for 18 years.
Both of my kids were afforded the opportunity to get a degree.
David decided after two years that college was not for him, and Rachel is currently entering her third year.
College is not for everyone.
So why am I pissed off?
Because I am sick and tired of people saying that I, as a taxpayer, should pay for their college too.
If you can’t afford something, you don’t buy it.
If you make bad decisions, you pay for them.
That’s life and if you can’t find a job that pays well or has nothing to do with your degree, why is that anyone else’s fault?
I’ve made millions, and I’ve lost millions.
When you make good decisions, you are rewarded, and when you make bad decisions, you pay for them.
If you are stupid enough to think that someone else is supposed to pay for your bad decisions you are in for a very rough ride in life.
Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.
I’ll repeat it, college is not for everyone.
If you want to be a professional, doctor, lawyer, accountant and the like, you need a degree but for God’s sake, don’t go to college and get a degree and blame me or anyone else for the debt you incurred.
If you have debt, join the club.
I borrowed over a million dollars for one of my companies, and after 19 years, the company went bankrupt.
That’s life.
I got back up, and I’m back to my old shenanigans building another business.
That’s what you do when life knocks you down.
You take risks, and sometimes they pay off, and sometimes you learn what not to do next time.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this.
You can never go wrong investing in yourself.
Your brain is the most valuable asset that you have, although some would argue if it’s mine.
When you try and fail, you learn a lot more than when everything goes well.
Why the heck are we teaching the younger generations that it’s not ok to fail?
Failure is life’s best teacher.
It always teaches what doesn’t work on the way to what does.
But failure always comes at a price, and it’s a price tag we all have to bear.
Everything is a risk, especially not taking risks.
Ships rarely sink in harbor.
But what good is a ship in the harbor?
Take chances, invest in yourself and for God’s sake, don’t blame anyone else but yourself when you fall flat on your face.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Please comment below or go to my Facebook Page @DavidMulvaneyInternationial and let me know how your thoughts on the subject.
Comments 4
We no longer hold people responsible for their choices. I had to pay for my own college education. I went to community college and got my Associates degree while working 30 hours a week. I then took a gap year and worked a full time and part time job. I then attended an in state school (best price) to get my Bachelors degree. You have to work for what you want, you go to schools within your budget and don’t mortgage your future. Worked in my chosen profession, invested well and retired at age 55 because I chose not to spend my money on expensive toys along the way. I have them now though!
I love hearing success stories like yours Bill. You are living proof the American dream is alive and well today.
Just wondering if when you went bankrupt, did you eventually pay back or pay off all that you owed? I agree that college debts should be paid but I think that the government is too quick to give grants for people to receive multiple degrees! One degree maybe but after that you should pay for the next!
I personally guaranteed a lot of loans so I’m still paying it back and likely will be for several more years.