I’m going to show you the one thing that is keeping you broke and it’s not what you think. How many jobs have you tried where they start off sounding great and then after 3 or 4 months you realize you aren’t going to be able to survive on the commissions. You know instinctively that if you stay there you …
Why You Need To Own Your Own Business.
Today more than ever people want to be self-employed. The job market sucks. Oh I know there are lots of jobs but most of them really suck. Are you kidding me, being stuck in a cubical for the next 20 years or with someone else in control of how much I earn? Forget that. No matter what you do, whether …
Prosperity I Design
I have spent nearly my entire adult life on a quest for the perfect life which at first I thought would come from money. I can tell you that it’s not all about money although money is something you definitely need. I have found the most important aspects of life are time and relationships. I had a business steal over …