There are a plethora of reasons that people get divorced but I think the root cause is always a lack of communication. When there is no or infrequent communication relationships fall apart. It’s also true with your prospects and clients. You need to communicate with your prospects and clients so the relationship remains strong. You should do this in a few ways, email, video, webinars, podcasts, live sessions and of course one on one. One on one can be very complex when your list is 10,000 or more, but it is an option. I highly recommend that you have face to face time with your best clients. I like to use what I call my top 10 clients. I spend one on one time at least once per quarter, face to face with my top 10 clients. By having regular communication with your prospects and clients they get to know you better and naturally you get to know them better as well.
The easiest most cost effective ways are through email, blogs and video because they don’t have to cost you a lot of money and you can typically reach your entire list with very little effort. Now I know what you are thinking. You are thinking where I am I going to get the time to do all of this communicating? In business the most important thing you can do is to attract prequalified leads and if you don’t do this you will be stuck in a bidding model selling low price and that will keep you broke. Frankly bidding is a lazy man’s approach to sales. You have to be different than your competitors if you want to build the life you have always dreamed of. This means communicating with your prospects and clients regularly.
So, back to communication. You will need a service like Get Response, Infusionsoft, MailChimp, Constant Contact and there are many others as well. You use this service to keep track of leads and customers and to communicate with them. What I recommend you do is create a series of e-mails, preferably between 50 to 60 e-mails. With at least 52 e-mails you will be able to communicate every week for a year. You can outsource the creation of them or you can do them yourself. Once they are set up then technically don’t have to create any more for about a year. I don’t recommend that but it can be done.
Now whether you write these e-mails or you outsource them the one thing you should not do is write a novel in each e-mail. These e-mails are designed to present a problem, exasperate or amplify the problem, provide a solution to the problem, give testimony of someone else who used you to fix the problem, an offer for them to use you to help them fix the problem, and then a request for a response from them. Ray Edwards refers to this as The Pastor Sequence. This should be the layout of most of your e-mails because it works.
Some people do not like to write. I get it. So what are your options? Use a video or an audio and send it by e-mail. You might send a video that you shoot while driving down the road. You can make 2 videos per day, one on the way to work and one on the way home. If your drive is long you can make more than 2 a day. You might want to keep them to 3 to 5 minutes. As you may or may not know I own a company called Lifetime Lights.
Here’s an example of a video that we might use to lead a prospect to Lifetime Lights. It might go something like this, remember it’s a live video while you are driving so there won’t be a script but you can tell I’ve said this once or twice.
Start Video:
I want to talk to you today about a conversation I had with my friend Don who owns a motorcycle dealership. He had lights out all over his showroom and he couldn’t figure out why his sales were slacking. I told him that the people who walk into his showroom make a subconscious judgement about his business before they look at the first bike. They make a judgment that if they buy a bike from him that when it comes to service they will not do a good job.
Don asked, why would they think that? I said Don if you have lights out in your showroom people are going to think you treat their bikes the same way. If you don’t care what goes on in the public areas of your business what is the treatment of customers in the private areas of your business. I’ve helped many business owners just like Don to eliminate all maintenance on their lighting and best of all it can be done with no new money and allow you to cut your electric bill massively. Click on the link below this video if you would like to see a case study.
End Video:
On the case study we would guide them to request an energy audit, free upgrade to one fixture or so many other options to get them into the customer bracket. What is important is to move them from prospect to customer, not the amount they spend on the first purchase. A customer is more likely to spend more money with someone they have already purchased from than from a stranger.
A short video and 51 others just like it can change your business forever because the focus of the video is on a solution to your prospects problem and that will bring customers.
Lots and lots of new customers. Why? Because you are in communication with them and they opted in to purchase from you. Every week you are describing a problem that relates to the product you want to sell them a solution that can help them eliminate the problem, testimony of what it did for someone else and a call to action.
Communication is the best follow up you can have. Use it.
To your lifelong prosperity,
David Mulvaney