Building Business Systems Defining The End Before The Beginning. Do you feel stuck? Do you have business coming in but you are in an endless cycle of work but little or no extra money left over in your business at the end of the month? Are you looking for a change? If you want something different you have to define …
Is Business Debt A Bad Thing?
Is business debt a bad thing? The question every business owner will face at least once. The answer however is a little more complex. I know what it’s like to get to the point where you are not sure how you are going to make payroll, pay the rent, insurance or any other business bill and when you are in …
Money Above What You Owe To Others
It does not matter how much money you make, it is how much you keep that matters in business and in life. MAWYOTO™ is Money Above What You Owe To Others. If you have 5 million in gross revenue but you pay it all out on expenses and to your creditors you are on a sinking ship. I know because …
True Freedom
There are two types of people when it comes to business, those that are owned and those that own. The person that is owned, has a job even though they are self-employed. They work for their company. Their company is not an asset because without them it is basically worthless except for the assets of the company. The only way …
The One Thing Keeping You Broke
I’m going to show you the one thing that is keeping you broke and it’s not what you think. How many jobs have you tried where they start off sounding great and then after 3 or 4 months you realize you aren’t going to be able to survive on the commissions. You know instinctively that if you stay there you …
Why You Need To Own Your Own Business.
Today more than ever people want to be self-employed. The job market sucks. Oh I know there are lots of jobs but most of them really suck. Are you kidding me, being stuck in a cubical for the next 20 years or with someone else in control of how much I earn? Forget that. No matter what you do, whether …